Students invited to join the Aletta Regional Year Challenge!


- by Marjolein

How can we make the effort of students in public health education more impactful? That is the core question that led to Aletta’s Regional Year Challenge.
The answer: by aligning the efforts and connecting the organisations around a single public health challenge. To support their endeavours, students receive a Lifelines dataset that is specifically developed for the particular topic at hand.

The theme that was determined by regional stakeholders is ‘active and healthy lifestyle’. Lifelines will prepare a dataset which will include various variables that are related to this theme aggregated to the level of zip code and age.

Learn more and join the challenge!

Are you a student working on challenges or research questions regarding active and healthy lifestyle within the Northern part of the Netherlands or if you have clients/contexts/students who can work on questions around active and healthy lifestyle, follow the link for more information!

Learn more