1000G/HRC1.1 imputed GWAS on “Childhood Blood Pressure and Related traits”
High blood pressure, which affects millions of people worldwide, is a major risk factor for myocardial infarction, stroke and chronic kidney disease. Approximately 9 million deaths each year are attributable to high blood pressure, including >50% of deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke [1, 2]. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified many genetic loci influencing blood pressure in predominantly European populations [3]. Albeit a lot of studies have been carried out in adults, only one study has focused children (<18 yrs. Age) where they have used the HapMap imputed GWAS [4]. The current study in children will focus on the 1000Genomes or HRC imputed panels comprising greater genome coverage while also including another novel trait (heart rate). This may help us identify the underlying genetic architecture of the vascular system better compared to adults as in children there are very few/no confounders in terms of medication or other lifestyle factors.