
Gut metagenome profiling of inflammatory bowel disease across geographies

We are requesting access to the LifeLines-DEEP Metagenome data as a population cohort for the also requested 1000IBD Metagenomes. We aim to analyze these data as part of the EU-funded miGut-Health consortium (, in which UMCG is a co-applicant and agreed to collaborate, together with newly generated data of IBD-affected individuals and their families from Germany and treatment-naive IBD-affected individuals from Sweden (plus published data from the HMP2, USA). Analysis steps will include the creation of a comprehensive catalog of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs;, their taxonomic annotations and abundances across individuals, as well as their gene- and pathwaybased functional abundances and genome-scale metabolic models (gapseq, Preliminary (meta-)analyses show strong associations with specific microbial clades, functional pathways and genomic properties, especially for Crohn’s disease. LLDEEP metagenomic data together with 1000IBD data (applied for separately) will serve as a validation and additional large meta-analysis cohort to increase confidence in generalisability of the obtained markers and results.

year of approval



  • Kiel University (GER)

primary applicant

  • Rühlemann, M.