
ME/CFS Lines – A multidisciplinary consortium and biobank for unravelling ME/CFS aetiology in Lifelines (ZonMW consortium, 2023-2031)

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a serious chronic multisystem disease leading to substantial functional limitations. It remains unknown which mechanisms cause ME/CFS. This is mainly due to the absence of good quality cohort data. ME/CFS Lines aims to build a longitudinal ME/CFS patient cohort and biobank, based on the existing population-based cohort Lifelines, which includes diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS since 2014. We propose to use these biomaterials to collect data in ME/CFS cases and controls, including genetics, microbiome, antibody repertoire, proteomics and metabolomics. These data will allow us and other researchers to unravel how alterations in these domains may cause ME/CFS.

year of approval



  • UMCG - Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology & Emotion regulation (ICPE)

primary applicant

  • Rosmalen, J.