
Multi-Ancestral Comprehensive Childhood Obesity and Overweight Assessment (MACCOA) GWAS analysis plan within the EGG Consortium

Overweight is a current and increasing threat to public health. Investigating the genetic underpinnings of EARLY overweight hopefully yields insights into the genetic background of obesity, thus providing leads on how to combat it.
The aim of this comprehensive plan, titled "Multi-Ancestral Comprehensive Childhood Obesity and Overweight Assessment (MACCOA)," is to investigate the genetic predisposition for obesity and overweight in diverse ancestral populations during various stages
Research question:
Identifying genetic loci affecting overweight in children of different ages (0-2 years; 2-10 years; 10-18 years; and 2-18 years)

year of approval



  • UMCG - Department of Epidemiology

primary applicant

  • Snieder, H.