Lifelines and Datawerkplaats Mentale Gezondheid


- by Saskia

Last december, we enriched the The Mental Health data environment together with Vektis! This means that the Datawerkplaats Drenthe is pioneering the use of Lifelines data for regional policy information.

This data is available aggregated at the municipal level. These Lifelines figures provide insight into social functioning. In this release the focus is on stress in relation to health, work, children's finances, friends and the average number of social contacts per week. This data is available within various features within the data environment.

What is Vektis?

From Vektis (GGZ and long-term care), the Data Workshop uses Care Consumption data. Users get insight into how many claimants (in numbers and percentages) there have been, per year / municipality / district / care flow / age category.

We are delighted that Lifelines can contribute further to future healthy policy making.