
This page gives insight into the process in case you receive reviewer comments on your submitted manuscript that requires access to your Lifelines dataset.


Revisions when project is still active

When you receive review comments on a manuscript while you, or one of your colleagues, still have access to your Lifelines dataset, you can just access the data and perform the required additional analyses or make the necessary adjustments.

Please note: all publication guidelines are still applicable. As a result, Lifelines would like to receive your revised manuscript before re-submission to the journal at In case of some small adjustments, please indicate which sections have been changed to enable quicker processing of your manuscript.


Revisions when project is closed

You may receive review comments on a submitted manuscript after your project at Lifelines has already been closed and you can no longer access your dataset to perform the required analyses/adjustments. In order to accommodate researchers in this situation, we can provide access to the closed and archived Lifelines projects. For Workspace users Lifelines has four revision Workspaces available in which closed Lifelines projects can be temporarily reopened. For UMCG HPC users we can arrange temporary access to the project folder and applicable release folders on the cluster.

At the moment we can offer researchers temporary free access for revisions. Free access is once per project with a maximum access period of 1 month (continuously, not spread over a longer period). In most of the cases, this is all the time needed to finalize your revisions. In case this month is not enough, or when there is a second round of revisions, we will charge a fee, depending on the access period needed.
If you would like to make use of the revision possibilities as descibed above, please contact us at and we will provide you with more information on revisions (e.g. access period, possible offer).

Please note: the free access period is valid per project. In case you work with several researchers on a project, this means that only one of you receives revision access once for free.
Please note: currently we have four Lifelines revision Workspaces available, which means that four researchers can work on revisions simultaneously. We work on a first-come first-serve basis and you may need to wait in line for a while.
Please note: all publication guidelines are still applicable. As a result, Lifelines would like to receive your revised manuscript before re-submission to the journal at In case of some small adjustments, please indicate which sections have been changed to enable quicker processing of your manuscript.